
Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Island Secrets

Desroches Island is a unique place to visit. There is a quiet magic to it. Today we share 13 Island secrets with you...


The lush tropical environment means that everything grows faster and you are able to witness a change almost as if the plants grow in front of your eyes. The natural island gardens are noticeably different on a day-to-day basis.


The island is surrounded by water so although you are surrounded by movement and the washing waves, you are safe and still on your own private sandbank in the middle of the ocean.


There is peace among the island people. Everyone knows their next-door neighbors and integrates with one another. The staff sleeps, eat and work with each other in a small yet harmonious community.


It often feels like the rest of the world disappears. There are not many places in the world where you can walk on the beach for over an hour and not see anyone else. It is the ultimate luxury remote destination for privacy.


You sense that you are taken care of.
There is an unobtrusive efficiency in the service at Desroches.


Time stands still
Although there is so much that goes on, it often feels as though a moment could last a lifetime. A true understanding of ‘quality’ time is enjoyed.


You connect to yourself. You are able to process your emotions, thoughts, feelings and ideas, undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of daily life. It’s the ideal opportunity to grow.


The island tells you things… and after spending enough time on Desroches, you will begin to hear her speak to you. When the purple lily opens, you know it’s going to rain. Conversations like these, directly from noticing nature.


The island keeps you young. The island never gets old. Nature is always growing and adapting and is a place for new beginnings. There is a symbiotic relationship between the people who visit and the island itself- they recharge and revitalize one another.


You become part of nature’s ebb and flow. The island supports and encourages you. You are simultaneously contained and liberated. 


There is a heightened energy on the island and you’ll notice the disconnection from it when you leave. You are always reminded of it when you return.


Desroches is your stepping-stone into the future. The water washes you clean and lets you start afresh. It provides a clean slate and a place to recreate from.


The island is your happy place. It brings out your passion and motivation, not your qualification. It matters more who you are as a person, than what you do.

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